Service Guidance

[Service guidance]
  • You can check details on service on User Manual.
    Some problems that our customers regard as failure can be resolved by simple adjustment or change in setting. Please refer to the page on cause and measure on failure and FAQ to search for a solution or read user Manual.
  • You can easily find the solution to your problem through cause and measure on failure menu and FAQ menu on our web site.
[Service Request]

Please contact our agency or store from which you purchased the product. If you cannot find the answer to your question on User Manual and our web site, you can contact our professional counsellors. When your product is determined to be in need of maintenance service after confirming a few symptoms. you can visit our company or agency to receive maintenance service by a technician of COAIR.

Free Service
  • Failure or defect which occurs in normal state during quality assurance period of the product
  • New products are warranted for one year since the trial operation (warranty period may differ for each product).
Service Handling and Period
  • To apply for service, please send “product name, model name, manufacturing number, place of purchase, details of the failure, etc,” through customer inquiry (web site) or phone, fax and e-mail of AS Team at our headquarters, agency or store.
  • Headquarters: TEL(031)4962060, 62, 64 I FAX (031)319-4910
  • For accurate and prompt handling of the service request, please make use of our online service.
  • All service requests are handled immediately or at least on the day of request depending on the severity of the failure, distance and conditions of agency or store. Under special circumstances, it may take up to 1 3 business days to handle a request.
Quality Warrenty Period
  • Quality warranty period refers to the period for which a manufacturer or seller guarantees free repair of any quality, performance or functional defect naturally occurring under normal condition of use based upon Quality Assurance.
  • Quality assurance period is one year from the dale of purchase (it may differ for each product and according to special contracts).
  • Exceptionslo quality assurance period: when used product is purchased, consumable parts, failure caused by mistake of the consumer, when the product is repaired or remodelled by the customer, failure caused by naturaldisasters
  • Quality assurance period is computed based on the date of purchase and confirmed by date of purchase and Quality Assurance form. When the date of purchase is not specified on Quality Assurance form, Quality Assurance form is not received, Quality Assurance form is lost, or it is otherwise difficult to confirm the dale of purchase, the date of purchase is calculated by considering manufacturing number of the product, manufacturing dale or 6 months (based on expiration period) from the date of import clearance.